
發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 11:31   發(fā)布人:孫元霞   浏覽次數:1547



  1. Bookkeeping 簿記

  2. Data-processing 數據處理
  3. Double-entry 複式記賬
  4. Single-entry 單式記賬
  5. Account 賬戶
  6. Journal 日記賬
  7. Ledger 分類賬 general ledger 總分類賬 subsidiary ledger 明細分類賬
  8. Capital 資本
  9. Stock(inventory) 存貨
  10. Account receivable 應收賬款
  11. Account payable 應付賬款
  12. Posting 過(guò)賬
  13. Assets 資産
  14. Liabilities 負債
  15. Net worth 淨值
  16. Current liabilities 流動負債
  17. Long-term liabilities 長(cháng)期負債
  18. Stockholders’ equity =proprietorship 業主(股東)權益
  19. Fiscal period會計期間
  20. Partnership 合夥經(jīng)營
  21. Accounting equation /formula 會計等式/方程式
  22. Debit 借方
  23. Credit 貸方
  24. Cash in bank 銀行存款
  25. Bank loan 銀行存款
  26. To foot (footing) 加總
  27. Trial balance 試算平衡表
  28. Sales invoice 銷售發(fā)票
  29. Negotiable instrument 流通票據
  30. Cost accounting 成(chéng)本會計
  31. Selling price 銷售價格
  32. Allowance 折讓
  33. Discount 折扣
  34. Gross profit 毛利
  35. Sales returns 銷售退回
  36. Current assets 流動資産
  37. Fixed assets 固定資産
  38. Intangible assets 無形資産
  39. Balance sheet 資産負債表
  40. Patent 專利權
  41. Copyright 版權
  42. Franchise 專營權,特許權
  43. Trade discount 商業折扣
  44. Depreciation 折舊
  45. Bonds payable 應付債券
  46. Mortgages payable 應付抵押借款
  47. Accrual basis(the produced authority system) 權責發(fā)生制
  48. Prepay 預付
  49. Cash basis(the realized receipt and payment system) 收付實現制
  50. Bill of loading 提單
  51. Physical inventory system 實地盤存制
  52. Perpetual inventory system 永續盤存制
  53. Allowance for uncollectible accounts 壞賬準備
  54. Uncollectible accounts expense=bad debts 壞賬損失
  55. Accumulated depreciation =allowance for depreciation 累計折舊
  56. Factory cost 工廠成(chéng)本
  57. Overhead 間接費用
  58. Financial forecast 财務預測
  59. Retail outlet 零售渠道(dào)
  60. Summary account 彙總賬戶
  61. Close out 結清
  62. Closing entry 結賬分錄
  63. Depletive assets 折耗資産
  64. Credit note 貸項通知書
  65. Debit note 借項通知書
  66. Income statement 收益表
  67. Net income 淨收益
  68. Capital statement 資本表
  69. Installment sales 分期付款銷售
  70. Accounting cycle 會計循環
  71. Source document 原始憑證
  72. Worksheet 工作底稿
  73. Post-closing trial balance 結賬後(hòu)的試算表
  74. Drawing account 業主往來帳戶
  75. Notes payable 應付票據
  76. Open account 未清帳戶
  77. Notes receivable 應收票據
  78. Demand deposits 活期存款
  79. Petty cash funds 備用金
  80. Bank drafts 銀行彙票
  81. Cashier’s drafts 本票
  82. Open the bank 開(kāi)立賬戶
  83. Rule off 賬戶劃線
  84. Outstanding checks 未兌現支票
  85. Deposit in trant 在途存款
  86. Nonsufficient fund check 空頭支票
  87. Reconciliation statement 調節表
  88. Bank statement 銀行對(duì)賬單
  89. Service charges 銀行服務費
  90. Merchandise inventory 庫存商品
  91. Merchandise inventory turnover 存貨周轉率
  92. Net purchases 淨購進(jìn)
  93. Net sales 淨銷售
  94. Working capital 營運資金
  95. Audit 審計
  96. Internal control 内部控制
  97. Internal audit 内部審計
  98. Job-order cost accounting 分批成(chéng)本會計
  99. Process cost accounting 分步成(chéng)本會計
  100. Direct cost /prime cost 直接成(chéng)本/主要成(chéng)本